
Showing posts from March, 2015

ElasticSearch Head-Only Plugins

If you search for howtos on elasticsearch plugin development, you will likely find a couple of inroductions  to the subject , which go on about Maven, .jar files, XML configuration, and some other details.  However, sometimes rather than a true server-side plugin, all you want to do is slap some HTML UI on top of some ES query results.  Well, it turns out that ES will happily serve any  static content that is present in its plugin/[pluginname]/_site directory.  Furthermore, it will serve the index.html file from the _site directory as the default document for the plugin url ( http://esserver:9200/_plugin/[pluginname] ).   This is, in fact, how plugins like the ubiquitous  elasticsearch-head  plugin work.  It is a front-end for ES and does not require server-side interactions. It's debatable whether a Head-Only piece of code like should  be called a plugin, since you can easily build the same functionality entirely externally, served ...