UI Automation for Developers
I'm currently working on a Wix 3.0-based installer with about 6 different wizard dialogs. Testing installers is a lot of work, because it is difficult to arrange for only the part of the installer you are interested in to run. I found myself filling out credentials, picking websites, etc. over and over. The QA organzation at my company uses AutoIt3, a free UI automation tool with a VB-like syntax, to do UI automation for Windows GUIs, and I thought I would check it out and see if I could quickly record a macro which would get me all the way through the UI sequence of my installer. Sure enough, it was as easy as this:
- Download and install AutoIt3
- Make sure to get the full SciTe editor for AutoIt (it is not included in the basic install). This editor includes a tool called AU3Record which will record your mouse and keyboard interactions with a Windows app and generate the AutoIt script to replay those actions. The tool is installed to: c:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\ScriptWriter\Au3Record.exe
- Run Au3Record and record your interaction. Save the resulting script to an .au3 script file, and you can launch it by double clicking.